Gorombol Family ~ Lifestyle Christmas Session

This adorable clan has been with me since day one!! I have a few clients that have been and they are one of them! They are just so precious and watching them grow over the past few year has been such a joy! Mike still looks at Ashley the same with all that love in his eyes; and after two beautiful little girls he still makes the time to let Ashley know that she's his number 1 girl! It is so precious to see a Father with all of his ladies; their true emotions portray.

Ashley is as sweet as pie! Just look at how beautiful she is too!! With a busy toddler and a baby on her hip, she remains calm, easy going and still looks glowing!! Look at how perfectly sweet their little ladies are. Sophia is such a fabulous big sister to Sydney and you still have that Buda babe protecting as he always does!!

I just love this session so much! So sweet & cuddly, it just warms my bones! :)

I love you Gorombol's!