Jennings Family

When Maggie contacted me to set up a sweet family session with her adorably sweet husband, Mike and their precious new bundle, baby boy, Brock, I just couldn't wait to meet them!! We did their session in Hampton, in a secluded beach area, that was just gorgeous. No one was there and it was the perfect intimate place for just them. We were able to cuddle up on the sand dunes, we had amazing clouds and just over all, beautiful weather. 

They moved here from South Carolina because Mike got stationed here; so naturally we talked about all things Carolina and how I got married into the life of being a Gamecocks Fan!! Chris's Dad and Step Mom live there so they were familiar with the few things I told them I knew and where we visit when we go. :) 

All in all this day was so perfect!! I made new friends, snuggle a newborn baby, and got to witness a Husband and Wife be reminded of where it all started!! I hope there are many more sessions with the Jennings family while they are living here! They are just so sweet :)